Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Post Sixteen: The Last One!

It's hard for me to believe that it's the end of the semester, so, to help me cope, I'll blog about the following:

Observe how hideous this drawings is. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Post Fifteen: Cumulative Relevance!

Recall my two previous posts; I was ecstatic about learning how to pin muslin onto a form and how to sew in an invisible zipper.

Need I explain my feelings about this?

Ta-da!  This is the mildly finished muslin of my very own draped-with-love, high-waisted, wrinkled pencil skirt.  It's a little tight on the form, but I don't even care.  

Check out that zippah.  Granted, it's not as good as my last one, but I will most certainly take it.  I'm glad I made a muslin before going on to do the final.  There was a time when I thought the muslin step was one for sloths and fools, but now I see the light.  Case in point: I now know that my zipper needs to be two or three inches longer (the skirt could barely fit over the form's collapsable shoulders!).  Also, I love sewing in zippers.  

Oh, what a lovely yet functional zipper!  

The excitement associated with knowing how to sew a zipper is trumped only by the excitement of knowing how to sew a zipper into a garment.  Seriously, I feel like a champ!  

I know what you're thinking.  How could this thing get any cooler and/or more exciting?

Like this!  Here's the skirt as if it were part of a dress!  I don't particularly enjoy the design of the dress.  The assignment was just to put one together.  I do, however, adore the idea of seeing the same muslin skirt in two contexts; I think it really changes the identity of the skirt.  The waistband is replaced here by a bodice with tucks (which were also a very exciting idea with which I could experiment).  

Here's the herringbone I'm going to use in my final skirt!  I can't wait to actually do it.  I would have done it already, but we have to do it together as a class...mild bummer.  It's probably better that way though; for all I know I'm doing it completely wrong.  I don't even care <3